Our first family session for the 2022 year. We were really excited for their shoot and preparing for it since Terryn did say they were also including both their precious pups Bella who is an English bulldog and Leia a pointer, in their family session, and you know how we loves dogs! The rain however had really put a damper on everything that week but we were lucky this afternoon to have some clear skies and took full advantage of it. We did the shoot at a Golf estate on the East Rand which offered really beautiful scenery. Upon arriving at their house we were greeted by their sons who were also super excited to show us their pet corn snake and their tarantula. George was too scared to hold the spidey. How amazing, we were obviously delighted as we also love snakes and you know boys will be boys!
We leashed the dogs up and proceed to walk to one of the beautiful parks overlooking a dam for their initial photos. The light was amazing and the pups had so much energy. We finished off their shoot at a bridge at the other end of the dam on the estate late that afternoon as a looming storm was bringing in some dramatic clouds. All in all it was a super fun shoot. Thank you to the boys for your beautiful smiles and poses. Your parents will always treasure these memories and thank you Terryn and John for choosing Photography By-Joao to capture these special times with your kids and furkids!