Every customer is important to any business. Every business has diamonds in the rough. Today’s family, is one of those diamonds. A few years ago, they approached us to capture their wedding. We did so and loved every minute of the process. No only the event itself, but also editing those photos, an explosion of colour.
Moving on a year or so from that, we got another call from them. As usual, we jumped with excitement and were only too happy to meet their new family member, this time, not of the furry kind but rather their first bundle of joy, Yadira. What a beautiful little one. The parents are blessed strapping good looks and beauty and one can clearly see this will run in the family.
A year later, Melissa gets another call, this time for a 1 year birthday cake smash. Obviously, elation sets in as we are only too eager to get this family in front of the camera again. The day of the shoot was understandably cold due to the time of the year. This however, will never dampen our spirit and as luck would have it, the same counted for our main subject of the day. Yadira, now a 1 year young little flower was bursting with excitement at all the attention. Smiling from ear to ear in younglings makes days like these extra special and worth every second. Yadira had two cakes and themes to look forward to. Before that though, we felt a few family pics were in order, so we rounded everyone up and went to the street for a quick few pictures. After that, it was smash time baby!

The first theme was unicorns and had a bright feel to it. Yadira is obviously a lady in the making, kind of. Like her mother, she isn’t overly fond of anything sticking to her hands. So the smash part of the cake smash was looking to be a challenge when Yadira decided to turn on the smash… with her feet. So yeah, a lady – kickboxer in the making. Melissa and I rolled round on the floor, snapping away from every angle making sure we had Yadira covered.

Between themes, while mum and dad built the set for scene two, Yadira was treated to some birthday presents. One of the first gifts she go to, was a new teddy. Some sort of rainbow tailed fox with huge glitter eyes. Yadira seemed quite enamoured with this gift, immediately making its acquaintance with a kiss on the snout.

Scene two was a disco theme. Darker background and cake decorated like a mixing deck. Our smash DJ of the hour, Yadira, wasted no time getting into the beat, twisting knobs and tasting every button, slider, knob and vinyl. Just like before, feet had to come in on this one too. Unlike scene 1, this time no foot smash. Resting her feet up on the cake, this was one chilled cool DJ… fast running out of buttons on the mixing deck.

Cake smash shoots can be a difficult one. Sometimes our subjects have zero interest and crawl away or simply sit and stare at everything except the cake and photographer. This was thankfully not one of those days. Our drive home was one of cheek resting, having smiled for almost two hours while enjoying this beautiful little girl enjoy her first birthday. We recognise the value in return customers. Once in a while, these customers receive a little something extra. This will be one of those. Mummy, Daddy, go have a look at your private gallery for your small gift of appreciation. Thank you for booking with us, you are all so dear to us!
George and Melissa
You guys are too special and the post is just lovely. Firstly Thank you for Yadira’s gift and for our special “gift” from this shoot 💜
As I mentioned before you guys have become family to us.
You are always there capturing our moments and enjoying a good chat afterward🥰
Your work is always amazing and never a surprise because you only deliver the best.
Thank you for sharing the day with us and capturing this little bubbly humans moments 😘
Always a pleasure! Hope to see you guys soon again.